Tuesday, 28 September 2010

What to expect on a photo shoot

One of the most important aspects of modeling is photo shoot. A photo shoot can also be called an “assignment”. It is worth noting though that an assignment can be more than just a photo shoot, or not one at all. It could be a “cat walk” assignment (usually called runway) or a “promotional” assignment.

Good modeling agencies will always give their models a briefing sheet before taking an assignment. One important point which a lot of models fail to consider is the number of people involved in a photo shoot. It is unlikely to be just you and a fashion photographer.

In most of the cases the more senior the photographer the more assistants they will have. The assistant photographers will be in charge of making sure the equipment is set up correctly and will sometimes do ‘test’ shots to make sure the lighting is correct before the proper shoot. As well as the fashion photographer there is likely to be the person who is commissioning the shoot, or a representative from the company. They are unlikely to get too involved in what is going on, however bear in mind they are the people paying the wages. It is in the interests of the commissioning party to get the best photo shoots from the models in the smallest amount of time. This will have the effect that most of the models for the day will not be staggered.

If you have decided to take a chaperone, ensure they do not interfere with the photo shoot and they do not get in the way. If you are unhappy with something (which you should not be, having read the brief) inform whoever is in charge. It would be career suicide to allow a chaperone to get into an argument with anyone, bear this in mind if you think taking a girlfriend or boyfriend along with you. They are there to make sure you are safe and take you home, not to argue with any of the staff or get in the way.

Most of the time fashion photographers need an area where they can control light. The best way to do this is to use a full service studio. Studios can range from the very small (think a small lounge in a house) to the massive. Usually most shoots will be in a studio somewhere in between the two. A lot of older buildings in cities have been turned into photographic studios as they are cheap and have a large amount of space.

Within a studio there is likely to be a white room. This is literally a room which is white and allows the photographer to get quick shots without any backdrops spoiling the view. Shots will be taken in a studio like this as it is easier for the fashion photographer / editor to edit the finished photograph.

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